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Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

The Aquafirme Ultimate Facial is a specialized treatment designed for exfoliation, oxygenation, and deep nutrient delivery to the skin. It provides unparalleled results in a comfortable, painless experience.

Our NO NEEDLE Hair Restoration treatment utilizes Aquafirme technology combined with plant-based exosomes to stimulate hair growth without the need for needles. It involves a series of in-office treatments along with a year’s supply of at-home treatment.

Yes, we do accept HSA/FSA cards for payment.

The Semaglutide Weight Loss Program involves once-a-week injections to reduce appetite, slow stomach emptying, and increase feelings of fullness. It can result in an average weight loss of 10-15%.

Tirzepatide is a dual-agent weight loss treatment, including GLP-1 agonist and GIP agonist, offering potentially enhanced weight loss compared to Semaglutide.

Lavender Medi Spa offers a holistic approach to beauty and wellness, combining advanced anti-aging treatments with medical weight loss programs, aiming for both aesthetic and health goals simultaneously.

Sharlotte Manley is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in aesthetic medicine, committed to providing clients with healthy, beautiful skin at any age.

We offer a comprehensive range of services, including botox/neurotoxin injections, dermal fillers, PDO threads, microneedling, PRP therapy, and more, aimed at enhancing both inner vitality and outer radiance.

We offer both PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and NO NEEDLE hair restoration treatments using Aquafirme technology combined with plant-based exosomes, providing effective solutions for hair loss.

We offer various membership packages, including discounted facials, toxin treatments, and skincare products, catering to individual preferences and needs.

Our facial treatments range from classic facials for cleansing and rejuvenation to deep-cleansing detox facials for congested skin and anti-aging renewal facials for minimizing fine lines and wrinkles.

IV Therapy is a quick and efficient way to rehydrate and combat environmental stressors, toxins, illnesses, and fatigue. Options include Hangover/Reboot, Inner Beauty, Immunity, Myer’s Cocktail, B-Lean, or customized blends.

We offer various vitamin injections, including B12, MIC, and Vitamin D3, aimed at improving energy levels, mood, fat release, and overall wellness.

We require 24 hours notice for cancellations or changes to appointments. Late cancellations or missed appointments may incur a $50 fee, which will be subtracted from the total cost of the treatment.

You can book a free consultation by contacting us at 423-251-1694 or booking online through our website.

Booking an appointment at Lavender Medi Spa is easy! You can either call us at [phone number] or book online through our website. Simply select the service you’re interested in, choose a date and time that works for you, and complete the booking process.

While consultations are not always required, they are highly recommended, especially for first-time clients or those considering more involved treatments. During a consultation, our experienced staff can assess your needs, discuss treatment options, and create a personalized plan tailored to your goals.

Yes, you can! Many of our clients choose to combine multiple treatments during a single visit to maximize their results and save time. Whether you’re interested in a facial followed by IV therapy or botox injections paired with microneedling, we can customize a treatment plan that suits your needs.

The experience may vary depending on the treatment you’re receiving, but our goal is always to ensure your comfort and satisfaction. During your treatment, our skilled practitioners will guide you through each step, explaining the process and addressing any concerns you may have. Afterward, you can expect to feel refreshed and rejuvenated, with noticeable improvements in your skin or overall well-being.

Yes, we do! Treat your loved ones to the gift of relaxation and rejuvenation with a Lavender Medi Spa gift certificate or gift card. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just to show you care, our gift certificates can be used towards any of our services or products, allowing the recipient to choose their own pampering experience.

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