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Indulgent Facials in Chattanooga, TN

Every complexion is unique and deserves care tailored precisely to suit its needs. That’s why Lavender Medi Spa offers various facials in Chattanooga, TN. We offer a variety of exquisite facial treatments aimed at rejuvenating, enhancing, and preserving your skin’s natural beauty. Whether you are looking to invigorate your skin with a classic touch or want a specialized treatment to address any specific concerns, our trained staff is here to guide you on your path to radiant skin.

Beautiful natural woman with monstera leaves

What Are the Benefits of Facial Treatments?

Facials are essential for maintaining healthy, vibrant skin. They deep cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish while addressing specific skin concerns, including acne, dryness, sensitivity, and aging. Facials enhance your facial skin’s appearance and health by promoting circulation, stimulating collagen production, and increasing hydration. During facial treatments, relaxation, and stress relief can help improve your emotional well-being. Regular facials performed by professional estheticians can offer personalized care that adapts to changing skin needs to ensure your skin remains its best regardless of age or environment.

Discover Our Variety of Facial Services

When it comes to facials, they’re more than an indulgence. They’re a vital component of comprehensive skincare. Everyone’s face and skin have unique needs, so it’s important to us that we offer various options to help you find the best facial for you. Our range of facials includes:


Rediscover your skin with our classic facials, which offer a delightful medley of cleansing, exfoliation, and hydration techniques to renew your complexion.

Deep-Cleansing Detox

Remove impurities with a deep-cleansing facial tailor-made for oilier or acne-fighting skin to help foster clear and healthy skin.

Anti-Aging Renewal

Turn back time with a profoundly nourishing anti-aging facial that smooths over fine lines and propels collagen creation to revitalize your skin.

Hydrating & Nourishing

Quench your skin’s thirst with our deeply moisturizing, hydrating facial which will give your complexion a soft, velvety texture.


If you’re short on time, our express facial service swiftly boosts your skin by delivering essential skincare staples in a quick, convenient session.


While you experience one of our soothing facials, you can add on other services to your visit, including eye and lip treatments, peels, and more.

Beauty Lies Beneath Your Skin

Embrace the transformative power of facials and reveal your most radiant skin. Facials aren’t just indulging in a moment of relaxation, it’s a commitment to your skin’s long-term health and appearance. At Lavender Medi Spa, each facial is a rejuvenating journey meticulously tailored to your unique skin needs. Whether you’re looking to combat signs of aging, hydrate dry skin, or maintain your face’s natural glow, our skilled estheticians are here to guide you every step of the way. Let us unveil the best version of your skin.

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